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stereotypical、Stereotypical pattern


好,今天我们来讨论下关于学习的问题现在的中国学生越来越讨厌学习,这到底是为什么呢Well,we are talking about learning todayWhy are there more and more students hate learning?首先,中国的学生是很累的,他们每天;救世主青姑娘stereotypical treehugging, savetheworld greenie正如你可能想像的那样, 这句话不是从一个刻板的拥抱, 救世主的小青, 而是从That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypic。

Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass Using ridicule and sarcasm Mo Yan attacks history and its falsifications as well as;~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文如下Let’s challenge the stereotypical ‘gifted and talented’ student to explore beyond her natural skills At the same time, let’s help the academicallystruggling student。

However, the research suggests that these #39stereotypical#39 characteristics only apply to a minority of young drug users, primarily in deprived areas The researchers conclude that policy responses to drug taking need to be;She con sciously avoids being seen in genderstereotypical ways She doesn’t sit next to other women in meetings, tries to solve problems on her own, avoids asking for help or clari#xFB01cation, shuns opportunities。


But if the stereotypical insistence consistency actually can weaken its relevance and the reliability throughout, thus reduces its usefulness Regarding one optimal accounting method, makes a change always to have to sacrifice。

在这个essay中,我们需要知道题目的重点是stereotypical representation in advertisement通过这个重点,我们才能展开论述同时,题目也指明了theoretical framework的方向第二步,安排main body内容一般来说,essay由introduction。



Stereotypical 翻译

5 However, if we resist initial stereotypical impressions, we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly likeIf we spend time with a person,hear about his or her life, hopes, dreams, and。

51 stereotypical views of sth 模式化印象,刻板印象 eg It’s far cry from the stereotypical views of libraries as stale and silent spaces 52 The pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步You ain’t better。

Qianzhang’s hualian, nevertheless, represents a different approach to painting Freeing himself from the rigid commitment of being truthful to stereotypical theatrical figures, masks and plots, he paints quite。

stereotypical、Stereotypical pattern

also causesthe overall picture not to be able to appear old mannish and isstereotypicalIn layout, we focus on practical comparison, the visual centers in the web of regional words and pictures by combining t。

属于可数英音 #39sti_ri_taip 美音#39sti_ri_taip 可数名词1 模式化的形象思想人物等,老一套2 铅版词形变化形容词 stereotypic,stereotypical副词 stereotypically名称 stereotyper时态 stereotyped,stereoty。

stereotypical、Stereotypical pattern



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