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1、thick的相关例句如下1 When will you get it into your thick head that I don#39t want to see you again! 你那木头脑瓜什么时候才会明白我不想再见到你呢2 Praise them when necessary, but don#39t lay it on。

2、thick比较级是thicker,最高级是thickestthick例句有如下1When the next face appeared I saw the eyes behind the thick glasses blinking as though noticing me for the first time当第二张脸出现的时候,我看见那。

3、He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣The mountain was covered with a thick layer of snow山上覆盖了一层厚厚的白雪There is a thick forest behind t。

4、密集地 扩展资料 例句How thick are the walls?这些墙有多厚They#39re two feet thick它们两英尺厚He wore thick glasses他戴着厚厚的眼镜。


6、一短语例句He is an aged 11 of Africa America, with full moon face placed on two bubble eye, thick lip and widen turned up nose in black and white strap Tsir他是一个11岁的非洲裔美国人,满月。

7、k单词变形1形容词 thickish 2副词 thickly 3比较级 thicker 4最高级 thickest 双语例句He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。

8、例句She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her 她穿的那件轻薄的粉红色连衣裙在身后飘舞二厚的英文thick thick 读音英 θ#618k 美 θ#618k释义adj浓的,茂密的。

9、根据英文释义,thin的反义词主要是thick,其英文翻译如下thick 英θ#618k 形容词 浓的,茂密的厚的,粗大的稠密的不透明的 例句Sprinkle a thick layer of borax over the stain向污渍上面洒一层。

10、1释义 thin adj瘦瘦的薄薄的细细的 fat adj 多肉的,肥胖的丰满的饱满的厚的粗的宽的 thick adj 厚的浓的粗大的adv 密集地浓浓地,厚厚地 2例句 1The ice is too。


11、thick socks 厚袜子 双语例句 1 In the winter she wears thick socks, Wellington boots and gloves冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶雨靴,戴着手套2 Participants may wear a pair of thick socks and light, soft。

12、thick smoke厚厚的烟雾, 浓烟双语例句 1 a fire was soon lighted, and a thick smoke curled into the air一堆火很快就生好了,一股浓烟升上天空2 He said What is most noteworthy is that Beijing over。

13、thick clouds 英 美 浓厚的云层 thick clouds是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译参考翻译 浓厚的云层 thick clouds的用法和样例例句 Thick cloud blotted out the view云层把风景遮住了For a while, the darkling。




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